IMIRAGEmagazine is a fashion magazine showcasing high fashion, beauty, photography and art. 100 outstanding artists featured in 15 creative and beautiful publications.
With More than 135000 social media followers in such a short time we have an audience reach of 3 million followers (!), IMIRAGEmagazine is one of the fastest growing Fashion/Beauty publication. With our uniquely creative print issues and with the highest percentage social media view rates, our magazine make sure your work will be noticed. Our newest Photo Book issues are now available through and Barnes & Noble stores worldwide. IMIRAGEmagazine is more than just an other "picture book"...It's about storytelling. Images hold the potential to share some of the most powerful stories that connect us no matter where in the world we live. The monthly magazine applauds relevant and visually stunning features on art, design, writing, film, music, photography, style and other creative genres. Featured talents can share their latest projects and audience can gain insight into their imaginative perception. We accept exclusive submissions from emerging photographers and their creative teams, artists and fashion designers/ brands.